简介:12-year old dreamer Vlad likes telling fantastic stories about his courage to his summer camp friends, although he is a bit of a coward himself. But one day Vlad finds himself in a real adventure as he accidentally gets caught in a conflict between two alien forces. Shapeshifting Trashmen, descendants of an ancient alien civilization, try to disable electricity on the whole pla...
简介:晴朗的一天,三年前痛失男友的珍娜(丝柯·泰勒-考普顿 Scout Taylor-Compton 饰)与好友瑞妮(克里斯蒂娜·尤罗尔 Christina Ulloa 饰)、迈克(迈克尔·科彭 Michael Copon 饰)以及新结识的帅气青年伊安(特拉维斯·范·文克 Travis Van Winkle 饰)前往某个乡村,参加当地举行的五月节。湖畔小屋,笑语欢歌,青年男女们纵情欢乐,只有珍娜强颜欢笑,似乎久久无法从三年前的惨剧中走出。随着夜幕降临,四人走入桑拿室,体会无上的蒸汽享受,而危机也正一步步向他们迫近。在此期间,迈克和瑞妮突然爆发争吵,前者夺门而出,大发雷霆,而瑞妮和珍娜、伊安稍后却发现,他们三人却被意外锁在桑拿室中。
简介:为了应对愈演愈烈的温室效应,世界各国在2014年发射了代号CW-7的冷冻剂,谁知却将地球推入了万劫不复的极寒深渊。大多数的人类死于寒冷与恐慌,只有为数不多的数千人登上了威尔福德工业开发的列车,成为永不停歇的流浪者。这列火车借助威尔福德(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)开发的永动引擎,并且配备各种完备设施,在之后的十七年里构建了属于自己的独立生态系统,周而复始旋转在43.8万公里的漫长旅途中。生活在末尾车厢的底层人民一直饱受压迫,为了争取自由和权力,他们在过去发起过多次暴动,但无疑例外均以失败告终。这一次,拥有领袖气质的柯蒂斯(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)试图找到被囚禁的安保设计师南宫民秀(宋康昊 饰),借助他之手打开通往首节车厢的重重大门,推翻威尔福德的统治。新年伊始,一场血腥革命正在进行……
简介:The story is set in the south of the ex-USSR, in Crimea. The characters are outcasts. Their hostility to society makes them want to flee both the law and themselves. Their flight becomes a journey that leads to an inevitable clash with the world, which they can neither change nor rebuild as they see fit.
简介:A seemingly ordinary girl, Ada Niezgódka, finds her way into the eponymous Academy to explore the world of fairy tales, imagination and creativity. With the help of a crazy, talented teacher, professor Ambroży Kleks, she develops her unique abilities and also stumbles upon a clue that will help her unravel the biggest secret of the family...