简介:过度沉湎酒精、年届不惑的盖瑞·金(西蒙·佩吉 Simon Pegg 饰),突然间想起20年前青春时代一件引以为豪但未竟的浪荡事,于是相继找来如今已经有了各自家庭和事业的好伙伴奥利弗·张伯伦(马丁·弗瑞曼 Martin Freeman 饰)、彼得·佩吉(埃迪·马森 Eddie Marsan 饰)、史蒂文·普林斯(帕迪·康斯戴恩 Paddy Considine 饰)和安迪·奈特利(尼克·弗罗斯特 Nick Frost 饰)。他们相约返回故乡纽顿哈芬,试图再次找回通宵5人、12间酒吧、60杯啤酒的快乐时光。小镇一如既往,几乎没有什么变化,但是镇上的人似乎全然不记得这几个老男孩。
简介:洛杉矶的飞机制造厂里,突然发生了一场火灾,工人伯金(Robert Cummings 饰)和朋友简奋勇救火,但简不幸葬身火海,事后调查发现伯金递给简的灭火器中装满了电油,于是警方将伯金定为重大嫌疑人,展开搜捕。获悉这一情况的伯金回忆后发现,灭火器实际出自一名叫做弗莱的工人之手,但警方并未给伯金说明的机会,危急时刻,伯金奋力逃出,追寻弗莱的去向为自己洗脱罪名。在弗莱工作过的农场,伯金发现农场主杜宾居然也跟此事有牵连,于是匆忙逃跑。亡命路途上,铂金结识了广告模特佩蒂(Priscilla Lane 饰),铂金用诚挚打消了后者对自己的怀疑,与她结伴同行。在弗莱可能藏身的荒僻小镇,伯金乔装成杜宾的手下,打入了这个神秘的破坏组织内部……
简介: A young woman is driven to the unthinkable by her desperate desire to have a child in Simon Stone’s radical production of Lorca’s achingly powerful masterpiece.
简介:Antonio is a 30 yo family man, whose life finds an unexpected twist when he's suddenly dumped by his husband, whom he depends both psychologically and economically: he needs to find a new place to stay, a job and a new purpose in life. Antonio finds a room in an apartment owned by Denis and starts to work in a bakery owned by Luca, while attending pastry school. Through this pr...
简介:Five carpoolers travel in a motorhome to reach a common destination. Night falls, and to avoid a dead animal carcass, they crash into a tree. When they come to their senses, they find themselves in the middle of nowhere. The road they were traveling on has disappeared and there is only a dense, impenetrable forest and a wooden house in the middle of a clearing, which they discover is the home of a spine-chilling cult.