简介:Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect herself or an innocent family that has taken her in.
简介:由于生活所迫,母亲把女孩杰索米娜(茱莉艾塔·玛西娜 Giulietta Masina 饰)卖给了江湖艺人藏巴诺(安东尼·奎恩 Anthony Quinn 饰)。在相处中,女孩却发现这个空有一身蛮力的家伙,根本不懂得照顾女人,他买她只是为了让她做牛做马,在他演出的时候扮演小丑,平时给他做饭,陪他睡觉。这种粗暴蛮横的家伙,让她萌生逃离的念头,然而,几次出逃,均告失败。
简介: Rosario works as a street seller on the fairgrounds of the suburbs of Naples. His dream to escape poverty latches onto the musical talent of his daughter Sharon. He turns into an impresario to make her a star of the Italian folk music.
简介: 尼基(威尔·史密斯 Will Smith 饰)是一位经验非常丰富的诈骗犯,和他搭档的是名叫杰斯(玛歌特·罗比 Margot Robbie 饰)的女扒手,两人在专业知识上互通有无,彼此之间结下了深厚的友谊。当他们之间的感情逐渐突破了单纯和合作关系后,尼基为了保全自己的事业,毅然决然的甩掉了杰斯。 一晃眼多年过去,尼基和杰斯在布宜诺斯艾利斯重逢了。原来,杰斯在尼基离开她之后并没有一蹶不振,而是在行当里不断的精进打磨,时至今日,她已经是一位技巧非常高超的女飞贼了。尼基原本的精心策划的行骗计划,因为杰斯的出现而变得险象环生。
简介:《show me the money》是自2000~2004年< Hiphop the vibe >之后,时隔十多年Mnet电视台在2012年开始制作的一档发掘有实力的Hip-Hop歌手的淘汰制节目,因被称为rap版<我是歌手>受到关注。制作组方面表示“他不是单纯最强rap者们的比赛,选拔出的新人与rap者们每周一起展现在舞台上","不仅听音乐很有意思,而且看的也很有意思"。
简介:Julián finds love and a reason for living in the last place imaginable: the Dominican Republic's Najayo Prison. His romance, with fellow prisoner Yanelly, must develop through sign language and without the knowledge of dozens of guards.
简介:With ruthless US and Japanese investment banks circling Tuftons, a struggling two-hundred-year-old, family-run British bank, can its bumbling, incompetent chairman, Sir Charles Bunbury, fend off the onslaught and save the bank?
简介:Follows the early years of two unknown 18 year old amateur boxers who quickly fought their way to becoming the most feared and respected villains in all of London. Told through the eyes of ...